The Exclusivity of the Christian Message

The Exclusivity of the Christian message – Jhn 14:6

“Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jhn 14:6

Biblical Christianity, meaning Christianity that is based on the Bible alone, teaches that there is only one way to God.

Today people say that there are many ways to God, and that we should not judge what other people believe. It is true, we are not to judge, in the sense of condemn, but we are to judge, i.e. we are to evaluate the truth of their statements, against the standard of truth, and the only truth there is, is the bible.

The bible records Jesus clearly saying, “I am the only way.”

He said, “I am the way,” not “a way; he said, “I am the truth,” not “a truth;” and he said, “I am the life,” not “a life.”

He said, “No one comes to the father except through me.”

There are two (2) exclusive statements there: “no one” and “except by me.”

That is so clear a statement that only willful disregard can argue with it.

Is Jesus lying? Is he a delusional megalomaniac?

You can say he is a liar, or that he is delusional, but you cannot say that Jesus did not claim to be the exclusive way to God for every person.

Today, most people say that there is one way for some, and another way for others: that there are many ways to God. But Jesus said that is wrong, he said there is only one way God – him! That is a very divisive statement; not at all tolerant of different beliefs, or faiths, or opinions; BUT it is true, Jesus is the only way.

There is not one religion that works for one group of people, and another religion that works for another group of people. We cannot say, The Jews have their faith, the Muslims their, the Hindus their, the American Indian their.”

We cannot say, “There is one God, but many ways to him.”

We cannot say, “As long as a person has faith, whether it be in Mary, or Shiva, or Buddha, if it is sincere, that is all that counts.”

This simple statement by Jesus puts the lie to those kinds of statements.

He is also saying that there is only one God, whom he said was his father.

Any religion that does not believe in the God of the bible, who is the father of the Lord Jesus Christ, is from the “get go” 110% wrong!

Yes, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, the traditional religions of the world are wrong.

In our day of political correctness, of never wanting to say to some one “You are wrong”, these statements are anathema; people don’t like them!

But the question is not “Are they judgmental and un-kind? Do you like them Do you agree?” the question is, “Are they true!”

You have the absolute right to tell me I am wrong, just have a basis for telling me that!

And allow me the same right, to tell you, that you are wrong; and I am telling you that you are absolutely wrong, and my basis for telling you that is that Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jhn 14:6


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