A Blog Designed to Explain the Bible in Simple Terms from a Reformed Perspective
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- sex
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- young earth
Being “Filled with the Spirit” #3
As the Holy Spirit fills us, he works in 2 main areas:
1) He leads us into truth, teaching us and giving us wisdom regarding what is written the scriptures: he is the spirit of truth!
2) He leads us into holiness in our battle against indwelling sin and the old man: he is the Holy Spirit!
Being “Filled with the Spirit” #2
The 4 things are:
1) speak/preach to ourselves using psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
2) sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord
3) give thanks always, for all things, unto God, even the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
4) submit ourselves one to another in the fear of God
Being “Filled with the Spirit” #1
Christian, do you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, meaning do you want him to have a freer and more powerful influence in you life? If you are a Christian, you absolutely do; in fact, that is an evidence that you are a Christian!