The Gospel of John #2 = An Outline
The Gospel of John #2 = An Outline
The first Blog I wrote on John’s gospel presented its uniqueness.
In this Blog I will give an outline of it, and present its unity and flow. Remember John wrote chronologically, and that he wrote about only a few major events.
The Chronology can be followed by observing the three (3) Passovers which John records: Chapter 2, Chapter 6, and Chapter 11.
Below is a list of the events which John records.
If you are a preacher or teacher, this outline should give you a good framework around which to organize a teaching/preaching series upon the Gospel of John.
Chapter 1
The Prologue = Unique To John’s Gospel (UTJG)
John the Baptist sending his followers to Jesus, and the subsequent calling of Andrew, Phillip, and Nathaniel (UTJG)
Chapter 2
The Commencement of Jesus ministry with the First Miracle, changing water to wine (UTJG)
The First Passover
Initial Cleansing of the Temple (UTJG)
Chapter 3
Nicodemus, the leading teacher in Israel, going to talk with Jesus (UTJG)
John the Baptist stepping aside (UTJG)
Chapter 4
The Samaritan woman at the well (UTJG)
Healing of Capernaum nobleman’s son (UTJG)
Chapter 5
Healing of lame man at Pool of Bethesda, and the subsequent dispute because the man was healed on Sabbath (UTJG)
Chapter 6
Feeding of 5000
The Second Passover
*** Chapters 7- 10:21 all happen during one time period, within a few days of each other, starting when Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Feast of Booths, which occurs in Sept/Oct.
Chapter 7
Feast of Booths, and statement about “living water” (UTJG)
The next day the woman caught in adultery is brought to him (UTJG)
Chapter 8
Woman caught in adultery, which leads into the long discourse about freedom from sin, you are of you father the devil, and before Abraham was I am (UTJG)
Chapter 9
As Jesus is passing by, maybe the same day, the “Man Born Blind” is healed (UTJG)
Chapter 10
Good Shepard Discourse, which is connected to healing of blind man by verse 21 (UTJG)
*** Chapter 10:22 picks up with The Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) which is in Nov/Dec; there is a 2- 3 month interval between Chapter 10:21 and 10:22! This is all during the same year, between the Second and Third Passovers.
Feast of Dedication (UTJG)
Chapter 11
Raising of Lazarus, and subsequent plot to kill him (UTJG)
Chapter 12
Eating at Lazarus house (UTJG)
The Third Passover
The Triumphal Entry
*** Chapters 13-20 record the events of an approximately 60 hour time period, starting with the Last Supper on Thursday afternoon/night; the trials before Annas, Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate, which occurred started around mid-night on Thursday and ended early Friday morning; the Crucifixion which occurred around noon time on Friday; the Sabbath rest in the Tomb on Saturday; and the Resurrection very early Sunday morning.
One third of John’s gospel is devoted to this 2 ½ day, 60 hour period.
Chapter 13-17
The Last Supper, which was Thursday night, and all that Jesus said to them while the were in the upper room around the table
Chapter 18
The arrest in the Garden, and trial before Annas and Caiaphas, and then Pilate; note Herod is not mentioned in John’s gospel
Chapter 19
The Crucifixion, Death, and Burial of Jesus
Chapter 20
The Resurrection of Jesus, and his 2 appearances to the disciples in the upper room
The Purpose of the Book (UTJG)
Chapter 21
Jesus restoring Peter (UTJG)
15 September 2024